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Kirby L. Wycoff PsyD, NCSP

Director, community trauma counseling program director, Thomas Jefferson University

Kirby Wycoff, PsyD, EdM, MPH, NCSP, is a nationally certified school psychologist who serves as an associate professor at Thomas Jefferson University. She is a leader in the mental health field, and her work focuses on trauma, adversity, and policy within a public health framework. Dr. Wycoff authored the book Trauma Informed Assessment and Intervention in School and Community Settings; she regularly publishes on psychology, public health, and trauma in peer-reviewed academic journals. She is cochair of the National Association of School Psychology’s Trauma and Child Maltreatment Interest Group, and she serves as the cochair of the Policy Committee for the Association of School Psychologists of Pennsylvania. She is currently an Emerging Leader Fellow at the Pennsylvania Psychological Association.
