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Mark Blais PsyD

Director of the Psychological Evaluation and Research Laboratory (PEaRL) at Massachusetts General Hospital,, Coauthor of the SPECTRA: Indices of Psychopathology

Mark A. Blais, PsyD, is director of the Psychological Evaluation and Research Laboratory (PEaRL) at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he also served as the associate chief of psychology from 2006 to 2014. He is associate professor of psychology (psychiatry) at Harvard Medical School. The PEaRL is an innovative psychological assessment service that provides clinical evaluations, advanced assessment training and programmatic research exploring the complex interrelationship of personality, psychopathology, neurocognitive capacity, and life outcomes.

He has published more than 120 peer-reviewed papers, 35 book chapters, and two edited books. He is an award-winning teacher and mentor. In 2009, he received the Theodore Millon Award “For outstanding work in advancing the science of Personality Psychology” presented by the Society for Clinical Psychology and the American Psychological Foundation. Dr. Blais also received the 2013 Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award from the Center for Psychological Studies at Nova Southeastern University.

He is coauthor of the SPECTRA: Indices of Psychopathology, a novel multiscale measure of adult psychopathology. He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Assessment, the Journal of Personality Assessment, and the Journal of Personality Disorders. In addition to his work at MGH, he consults to businesses, government agencies, and sports organizations on issues related to personality and performance.
