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Robert C. Reardon PhD

Professor emeritus and senior research associate, Florida State University Career Center, Center for Technology of Counseling & Career Development

Robert C. Reardon received a BS in social studies from Texas Lutheran College in 1963 with plans of becoming a high school counselor. This led him to graduate study at Florida State University (FSU) in counseling and guidance and counselor education that earned him MS and PhD degrees in 1965 and 1968, respectively. He is currently professor emeritus with a courtesy appointment in the FSU Career Center. First employed as a counselor in the counseling center and later as a tenured faculty member in the Division of Student Affairs, he became Director of Instruction, Research, and Evaluation in the Career Center; professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems; and co-director of the Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development. He coordinated the career specialization in the Psychological Studies in Education Program in the College of Education for two decades before retiring in 2007. He has coauthored and edited a score of books and monographs and more than 140 articles in refereed journals focusing on the research and development of innovative career programs for college students. He was especially focused on self-help and brief-staff assisted services. He was credentialed as a National Certified Counselor and National Certified Career Counselor. He received the Eminent Career Award from the National Career Development Association in 2003, the Merit Award from the National Vocational Guidance Association in 1983, and was co-recipient with James Sampson, Jr., of the Ralph Berdie Memorial Research Award and the Extended Research Award from the American Counseling Association in 1996 and 1999, respectively.
