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Rodrigo E. Enciso MA, LEP

Owner and executive clinician of the REED Center,

Rodrigo E. Enciso, MA, LEP, is the owner and executive clinician of the REED Center. He is a bilingual, licensed educational psychologist with more than 10 years of experience in the field of special education. He graduated with distinction in psychology from San Diego State University and obtained his master’s degree in educational psychology from Alliant International University. He has participated in the development and standardization of many assessment instruments as a field examiner, has presented widely on contemporary SLD assessment practices, and was involved in the development of the California Association of School Psychology (CASP) position paper on dyslexia. In addition to publishing articles related to school psychology, Rodrigo is an active member of professional associations, serving various positions within the CASP board of directors in addition to serving as the 2015–2016 president of the San Diego County Association of School Psychologists (SANDCASP). Rodrigo received CASP’s 2016 Outstanding School Psychologist of the Year for Region VII and the 2017 Above and Beyond Award in Special Education from San Diego Unified School District.


  • Thumbnail for Using Neuropsychology to Identify Dyslexia in Spanish and English Learners
    May 19, 2022
    With the increased awareness concerning best practices in the early identification of dyslexia, it is essential that practitioners are able to accurately identify true disability cases, including within the English learner (EL) population…


    Speaker Image for Eric Culqui
    Educational Assessment Advisor,


    Speaker Image for Rodrigo Enciso
    Owner and executive clinician of the REED Center,
    Speaker Image for Steven Feifer
    Steven G. Feifer, DEd, ABPdN
    Author of the Feifer Assessment of Writing,

    This product is only available to members of the following groups:

    • Qualification Level S
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    • Qualification Level C
  • Thumbnail for Assessments of Multilingual Learners: Nonbiased Assessment of Spanish-Speaking English Learners
    August 24, 2023
    With the increasing need for assessment resources in different languages, particularly Spanish in the United States, a key objective practitioners should strive for is to be able to conduct fair and equitable assessments of non-native English speakers and multilingual learners…


    Speaker Image for Eric Culqui
    Educational Assessment Advisor,


    Speaker Image for Rodrigo Enciso
    Owner and executive clinician of the REED Center,

    This product is only available to members of the following groups:

    • Qualification Level C