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Using Neuropsychology to Identify Dyslexia in Spanish and English Learners

Date: May 19, 2022

Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM

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With the increased awareness concerning best practices in the early identification of dyslexia, it is essential that practitioners are be able to accurately identify true disability cases, including within the English learner (EL) population. There are undeniable advantages to early monitoring and identification of students who may be at risk for dyslexia. As such, these practices should be extended to ELs. Because assessment of ELs adds complexity to the identification of dyslexia, sophistication and knowledge of reading problems and language differences are needed to ensure more accurate assessment conclusions.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the nature of dyslexia in both English and Spanish speakers, as well as articulate specific brain regions that underscore the reading process in both languages.
  • Describe the linguistic differences in reading both English and Spanish.
  • Apply knowledge of dyslexia to Spanish-speaking ELs with respect to intervention decision making.

Qualification Level Required: S

Instructional Level: Introductory

Target Audience: Educational diagnosticians, psychologists, school psychologists

  • Eric Culqui, MA, Educational Assessment Advisor,
  • Rodrigo E. Enciso, MA, LEP, Owner and executive clinician of the REED Center,
  • Steven G. Feifer, DEd, Author of the Feifer Assessment of Writing,


*Participants wishing to receive continuing education (CE) credit must attend the entire webinar and complete the post webinar evaluation form. Once participants have completed the evaluation, your letter of attendance will be available for immediate download from your account.

PAR is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) to provide continuing education for psychologists. PAR maintains responsibility for the program and its content. PAR’s NASP APS Provider Number is 1051.

PAR is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. PAR maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Disclosure: Dr. Feifer Isquith is the author of several instruments and books and receives royalties from the sale of these products. PAR is a publisher of assessments, which may be discussed during the presentation.