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Assessing Non-English Speakers: Best Practices and Available Tools

Date: June 30, 2022

Time: 12:00PM - 01:00PM

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With the increasing need for assessment resources in different languages, particularly Spanish in the U.S., clinicians must make it a priority to conduct fair and equitable assessments of non-English speakers and English-language learners. This webinar will review Spanish-language assessments available from PAR, explain how to find these resources on the PAR website, and review how to access these measures on PARiConnnect.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the current context of non-English speakers and English-language learners in the U.S.
  • Create an equitable framework for assessing non-English speakers and English-language learners.
  • Understand the selection of PAR products available in Spanish and other languages.
  • Navigate PARiConnect to find Spanish-language products and resources.

Qualification Level Required: C

  • Eric Culqui, MA, Educational Assessment Advisor,
  • Daniel McFadden, MBA, Director of Customer Support , PAR, Inc.,