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Destigmatizing Mental Health is So Much More than Just Raising Awareness

Date: August 4, 2022

Time: 12:00PM - 01:00PM

You must be registered to participate!

The mental health crisis is real—especially for young people. Raising awareness about the issues and sharing warning signs is not enough. This is the moment to build a wellness movement grounded in care, empathy, and inclusion. Destigmatizing mental health will require growth from awareness to appreciation to advocacy to action.
School psychologists are uniquely positioned to advise student clubs on mental health. School-based programs give students a platform to share their voices and raise awareness on mental health issues. Clubs can empower students to educate one another and their communities while creating a culture of peer support within schools.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the mental health crisis since the pandemic.
  • Explain the framework that exists in most school communities to create student clubs, discover various national resources to assist in this action-oriented work.
  • Apply the stages of change necessary to destigmatize mental health in your school community.

Qualification Level Required: A

Instructional level: Introductory

Target audience: Clinical psychologists, school psychologists, mental health professionals, neuropsychologists, psychologists

  • Carrie Champ Morera, PsyD, NCSP, LP, Director of Content and Production, PAR, Inc.,
  • Peter J. Faustino, PsyD, Certified school psychologist and licensed psychologist, Developmental Assessment and Intervention Center (DAIC),

*Participants wishing to receive continuing education (CE) credit must attend the entire webinar and complete the postwebinar evaluation form. Once participants have completed the evaluation, your letter of attendance will be available for immediate download from your account.
PAR is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) to provide continuing education for psychologists. PAR maintains responsibility for the program and its content. PAR’s NASP APS Provider Number is 1051.
PAR is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. PAR maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Disclosure: PAR is a publisher of assessments, which may be discussed during the presentation.